Install Taral-chain

This page provides concise instructions for downloading, unzipping, and building the necessary binaries to set up Taral-chain on a user's system, facilitating seamless installation.

System requirements



4 cores

8 cores


8 GB

16 GB


500 GB

1 TB


100 Mbps+

1 Gbps


  • Go version - go1.20

  • Wget

How to install Taral-chain ?

To install Taral-chain, begin by accessing the provided link and downloading the Taral-chain zip file. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded zip file on your system and extract its contents. This will create a directory containing all the necessary files and directories for Taral-chain.

After unzipping, you'll have the Taral-chain code base ready for installation. From here, you can proceed with any further setup steps, dependencies installation, or configurations required to run Taral-chain on your system. Following these steps ensures that you have the necessary files in place to begin using Taral-chain.

The next step, in your root folder, execute the go mod tidy command in your terminal. This command ensures that all necessary Go modules are present and up to date according to the dependencies specified in the go.mod file.

go mod tidy

Once this step is completed without errors, you can proceed to build the binaries by running the go build command in your terminal.

go build

If the build process completes successfully, the binaries for Taral-chain will be created. You can verify this by checking for the existence of the taral-chain executable file in your project directory.

Congratulations, you have now successfully created the binaries for Taral-chain, and you're ready to proceed with further configurations or running a full node!

Last updated