

The TEP20 token standard is a core component of the Taral-chain blockchain, similar to the ERC20 standard in Ethereum. It defines a set of rules and functionalities that a token contract must follow to ensure compatibility and interoperability across the Taral-chain ecosystem.

Key Features of TEP20

  • Transferable: Tokens can be transferred from one account to another.

  • Transfer Approval: A token owner can approve another account to transfer tokens on their behalf.

  • Balance Query: The balance of any account can be queried.

  • Allowance Query: The amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender can be queried.

Use Cases

  • Digital Currency: TEP20 tokens can represent any fungible assets such as currencies, points, or in-game items.

  • Fundraising: Used in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or token sales.

  • Staking and Rewards: Can be used in various decentralized finance (DeFi) applications for staking and reward distribution.

Deploying TEP20 Token Contracts

There are several methods to deploy a TEP20 token contract on the Taral-chain network.

Last updated