How to Unstake TARAL?

Learn how to safely and efficiently unstake TARAL from the network, ensuring smooth transition and management of your staked assets.

Unstake TARAL

To remove your stake and free yourself from the validator node, initiate the unstaking process through the provided functionality on the Taral blockchain network. This process involves confirming the unstaking transaction to begin withdrawing your TARAL tokens from the staking contract.

How to Unstake TARAL

Prerequisite: Before proceeding with the staking contracts, ensure you have a fully synchronized full node running in the current blockchain state of Taral.

Step 1: Clone the Repository from GitHub.

Step 2: Open cloned repository in terminal and install dependencies navigate to the cloned staking-contracts directory from the main branch and run npm i to install dependencies.

Step 3: To remove your stake and free yourself from the validator node, follow these command:

npm run unstake

Executing this command initiates the process to withdraw your TARAL tokens from the staking contract. Monitor the blockchain for the completion of your unstaking request. Once finalized, your TARAL tokens will be available for withdrawal into your wallet. This action releases your TARAL from the staking.


Unstaking TARAL from the Taral network is a straightforward process that allows you to withdraw your stake from the validator node. By using the npm run unstake command, you initiate the unstaking transaction, freeing your TARAL from the staking contract. Monitor the blockchain for confirmation, and once completed, withdraw your tokens into your wallet. This flexibility ensures you can manage your assets independently outside of the validator node, aligning with your evolving participation in the Taral blockchain network.

Last updated