🤝How to Stake TARAL?

Learn how to stake TARAL and set up a validator node on the Taral blockchain network to participate in transaction validation and network security.

Staking TARAL to Become a Validator

Validator nodes are essential components of the Taral blockchain network. They validate transactions and propose new blocks, contributing directly to the consensus mechanism. Becoming a validator requires a commitment to maintaining high uptime and adhering to network protocols.

How to Stake TARAL

Prerequisite: Before proceeding with the staking contracts, ensure you have a fully synchronized full node running in the current blockchain state of Taral.

Step 1: Clone the Repository from GitHub.

Step 2: Open cloned repository in terminal and install dependencies navigate to the cloned staking-contracts directory from the main branch and run npm i to install dependencies.

Step 3: Execute the following command to copy the example environment file to .env:

cp .env.example .env

Step 4 : Use the following command to open and edit the .env file using the Nano text editor :

nano .env

Step 5: Replace the existing content in your .env file with the following configuration details:

PRIVATE_KEYS= <Your private key of wallet which was initially generated at the time of key pair>
STAKING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001
BLS_PUBLIC_KEY= <Your BLS_Public_key which was initially generated at the time of key pair>

Save the updated .env file after replacing the placeholders with your actual configuration details.

Step 6: Retrieve Private Key for Staking.

Change directory to the location where your private key file (validator.key) is stored.

cd <yourkeygeneratedDirectory>/consensus

Use the following command to display the content of the validator.key file, which contains your private key:

cat validator.key

Copy the private key displayed in your terminal. This private key is needed for configuring your staking setup in the .env file.

Step 7: You must have 20000 TARAL in your wallet. Execute the following curl command in your terminal to check the balance of your wallet address:

curl --location 'https://devnet-taral-rpc1.tarality.com' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"method":"eth_getBalance","params":["<YOUR WALLET ADDRESS>", "latest"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

Replace <YOUR WALLET ADDRESS> with your actual wallet address where you want to check the balance. Ensure your wallet contains at least 20000 TARAL. If the balance is insufficient, please add TARAL to your wallet.

Step 8: Build the Project Using npm

Execute the following command to build the project using npm:

npm run build

Step 9: Run the Stake Command:

Execute the following command to initiate the stake process using npm:

npm run stake

You should receive a confirmation message indicating that you have staked TARAL successfully.


In this guide, you've learned how to set up and stake TARAL tokens to become a validator on the Taral blockchain network. By following these steps, you've configured your environment, managed your wallet, and interacted with staking contracts to contribute to network security and transaction validation. Staking TARAL tokens not only helps secure the network but also allows you to participate actively in the decentralized consensus process. Ensure to monitor your validator node and manage rewards effectively to maximize your participation in the Taral ecosystem.

Last updated