Using Remix IDE

Here is a detailed explanation of what Remix IDE is and a step-by-step guide on how to deploy a TEP20 contract using Remix IDE:

What is Remix IDE ?

Remix IDE is an open-source, web-based integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, compiling, and deploying smart contracts. It is widely used for Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible blockchains such as Taral-chain. Remix IDE offers a user-friendly interface, powerful debugging features, and a variety of plugins to streamline the smart contract development process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deploy

Follow these steps to deploy a TEP20 contract using Remix IDE:

1. Open Remix IDE

Navigate to Remix IDE in your web browser. You will see the main interface, which consists of several panels, including the file explorer, the editor, and the terminal.

2. Create a New File

In the file explorer on the left side of the screen:

  • To create a new file, select the “File Explorer” icon from the menu, then click the “Create New File” icon.

  • Type in the name of the file. It is our first program so let’s go with “TEP20Token.sol” .

3. Write the Contract

  • Once the file is named we can begin writing Solidity code in the code editor. Paste or type the code below into Remix.

4. Compile the Contract

  • Select the Compiler: Click on the Solidity Compiler tab on the left sidebar.

  • Choose Compiler Version: Select the appropriate compiler version (e.g., 0.8.0+commit.c7dfd78e).

  • Compile the Code: Click the Compile TEP20Token.sol button.

5. Deploy the Contract

  • Select the Deployment Environment: Click on the Deploy & Run Transactions tab.

  • Configure the Environment:

    Select Injected Web3 if you are using a web3 wallet like MetaMask connected to the Taral-chain network.

  • Deploy the Contract:

    • Ensure TEP20Token is selected in the contract dropdown.

    • Click the Deploy button.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your TEP20 token contract on the Taral-chain network using Remix IDE.

Last updated